Ronnie’s Story

I came to know the Lord at a very young age through my parents’ lives and teaching. They faithfully pointed me to the Word of God and taught me about my need for a Savior and God’s heart for me.

They were examples to me of what a walk with God looked like as they served on the mission field as full-time missionaries.

Even though I put my trust in Jesus at a young age my growth had only started then. I thank God for His faithfulness growing and loving me even when I, at times, denied Him with my actions.

I thank my parents who were always next to me pointing me to Him and His word. It was through ministry with my family that I was exposed to the great need for Gospel in the world today.

Lexie’s Story

I came to know the Lord as a young teenager at a summer camp with my youth group. Some of my life circumstances left me feeling unloved, unwanted, and very lost.

After hearing that God loved me enough to send His son to die the death that I deserved to die, I was awestruck. I felt so unworthy and so cared for and loved at the same time. The Lord met me on that June night.

The Lord continued to use my life circumstances to draw me to Himself and to teach me more of His never-changing character.

As I got older, the Lord provided mentors who would speak into my life and teach me what walking a walk of faith looks like. It is through their influence that I first got exposed to God’s heart for missions.


đŸ”˜Raised 100% Recomended Monthly Support and moved to Colombia

✅Graduated from Missionary Training (2023)

✅Graduated from Bible School (2017-2018)



Knowing God's Word

God chose this way to communicate with us. Not words sitting on a page, but God pouring out His person to us. Each word carefully chosen since the beginning with us in mind. Our Bibles and the words in it are a treasure we get to steward. 



We were taught that Discipleship is a lifestyle. It is what Jesus modeled with His disciples by doing life with them. Not a meeting, not a group, not a program. It is us, as believers, letting others into our lives and poiting them to Jesus with everything we do and say.


Latin America

We, as a family, have a dear place in our heart for the Universal church located in this region. Not only is where Ronnie grew up, but it is also where we believe the Lord has been opening doors for us.


In His Word God has revealed His desire for the World to know Him. We decided to say “here I am” and be a part of His plan of redemption for the World. 

The lack of knowledge there is in the world about God and His Word has broken our hearts. We desire to follow the Lord bringing the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who have not yet heard.

* We hold our plans loosely before the Lord. We know His plans and His ways are higher than ours. We will go as far as He takes us.Â